Hack de Overheid!


Programme Apps for Noord-Holland – August 27th

Chris Taggert of two amazing UK open government data projects, Open Corporates and Openly Local, is coming to keynote at Apps for Noord-Holland.

You should come see him speak to learn about the latest approaches in opening data and making it useful, and hearing his perspective on the current state of apps and open data and where things are heading, alongside him showcasing the issues and challenges behind his own projects.

There will be pitches of the data owners, workshops, food and drinks, and, time to work on your own great applications.


boat departure from ‘Kop van de Haven’ in IJmuiden (5 min to island)
10:45 Opening by the Economic Affairs Member of the Provincial Executive: Jan van Run
11:00 Keynote by Chris Taggert (UK) founder of Open Corporate and Openly Local about open data
11:30 Pitches about the data
12:00 Start UNconference; government, techniques and implementation
12:00 Coding in the ‘Pantsergalerij’ + workshops ‘How to…’
18:00 Presenting the Apps + food and drinks
20:00 Boat departure to the ‘Kop van de Haven’

More about the programme and the data you can find on AppsforNoordHolland

Transport to Forteiland IJmuiden

There is free parking at the ‘Kop van de Haven,’ in IJmuiden, the address is Sluisplein 80, IJmuiden. Traveltime might be a bit longer due to the harbourdays which take place in IJmuiden. The boat leaves exactly at 10:15 am.

Public Transport
From Amsterdam central station you can Connexxion take bus 74 (stop Pontplein in Velsen Zuid). From the Pontplein at 10AM there’s a chartered bus ready for you to take you to the Kop van de Haven.

!The Fast Flying Ferry doesn’t go this early 

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Lex Slaghuis

Lex Slaghuis is een van de oprichters van Hack de Overheid en was CTO bij Open State. Hij houdt zich bezig data, API's, community en Apps. Speciale aandacht gaat uit naar Open Cultuur Data, Open Spending en politieke transparantie.

Laatste berichten van Lex Slaghuis (toon alles)

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