Hack de Overheid!


Politwoops brings deleted twitter messages from dutch politicians

On the HackdeOverheid (HacktheGovernment) hackerscamp in Amsterdam last 29th of May, several cool new ideas came up and prototypes were built. One of them is Politwoops.nl, and is launched just a couple of days ago.

Politwoops.nl is website that pulls tweets from  politicians of the Dutch House of Parlement. Whenever they are deleted by the politician, they are permanently saved in the database. Politwoops.nl shows those deleted tweets and brings super-transparancy to the Netherlands.

Now citizens and journalists can see tweets that weren’t deemed appropriate for the main public. The currently saved tweets haven’t created any scoops in the news. But HackdeOverheid is confident that in the future there will be some interesting ones. The tweets do show how politicians need to juggle their private and public life, and their passionate opinions versus their politic statements.

Also, together with the programmer of Politwoops.nl, Breyten Ernsting, we want to invite engaged citizens to contact us to see if Politwoops.nl can be useful in other countries as well. For this we are considering launching an international version. With twitter-names of politicians from other countries, perhaps we can improve democracy also elsewhere in the world.

As we speak, several dutch influential politicians are contacted by the Dutch Business News Radio for a comment on this new step in transparency. We’ll promise to follow up with their response so we can see what they think about this.

Any other comments are also highly appreciated!

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Lex Slaghuis

Lex Slaghuis is een van de oprichters van Hack de Overheid en was CTO bij Open State. Hij houdt zich bezig data, API's, community en Apps. Speciale aandacht gaat uit naar Open Cultuur Data, Open Spending en politieke transparantie.

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