Hack de Overheid!


Code Camping Amsterdam – Open Data Weekend

We’ll be spending Saturday the 26th of November doing a classic Hack de Overheid hack day, but bigger and better than ever before.

As a part of the Apps voor Nederland competition we will be bringing people together from various fields, both technical and non-technical to hack on any (open) data problems that interest them. During the day new datasets will be released and there will be the opportunity to work and to interact with others during workshops. We will also have presentations by invited speakers and of the concepts developed during the day.

You don’t want to miss this event because:

  1. This location is both the best we’ve ever had (even better than the fortress) and the easiest to get to.
  2. We have an impressive line-up of speakers who can point us to current developments in data, design and society.
  3. It’s going to be a great day for hacking and probably the last event on this format.
  4. There will be facilities to camp with us for people coming from out of town.
  5. You have free entry to a smashing party at the same venue.


November 26th, 10:00 – 21:00

Full program forthcoming, including opening by some bigwig, last ever open data push for Apps voor Nederland, international speakers, plenty of time for hacking and presenting the day’s concepts and a party to top it all off.


  1. Matt Biddulph
    Former BBC, Dopplr and now at Nokia. Read up on his work at Hack Diary among other places. Matt has programmed pretty much everything under the sun and we are very impressed with his experience and broadness of practice, combined with his eagerness to try out new things.
  2. Marius Watz
    An artist working working on the synthesis of form as the product of parametric behaviors. Marius’s work is vivid and abstract and shows how parameters and data can come alive under the right hands. He will be showing us the things he has made and how we could endeavour to create the same.
  3. Marietje Schaake
    A member of the European Parliament (twitter) for the Dutch party D‘66, Marietje is deeply involved with liberty on the internet, creative innovation and its social consequences on a European and trans-European level. We welcome her as the first politician to address Hack de Overheid.

Including lunch and dinner with free entry to an Eddie the Eagle Museum event at the same venue. The Eddies do the best parties in Amsterdam so you should definitely stick around.


The Overhoeks Tower, Amsterdam
Picture by David Spender

We are currently securing a permit to hold our event in the derelict office building Toren Overhoeks across the ferry from Amsterdam Central Station. This tower used to belong to Shell but it’s been sitting empty after they abandoned it. Within sight but just outside of the city it is the perfect location for a hackathon (except for the fact that we have to put in power, internet and plumbing ourselves). We do have to mind not to burden the surroundings with extra crowds or noise levels, but we are confident that that will not be a problem.

Auditorium from above

How to get there: Go to Amsterdam Central Station and hop on the shortest ferry across to Buiksloterweg. From the other side it’s a couple of minutes to the building. You literally cannot miss it. Coming by car is really not a good idea, but if you insist, parking is available at Mosveld.

Cost: free of charge (we are not allowed to charge any money)

Register for the event here (Places limited, registration closes Friday 25 November at 12 noon!):
We are sold out! Sorry….

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1 comments on “Code Camping Amsterdam – Open Data Weekend
  1. Pingback: Open Onderwijs Data workshop tijdens Code Camping Amsterdam

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