Hack de Overheid!


Change II of III: Hack de Overheid as a Platform

What does it mean that Hack de Overheid is a platform? It’s a change that has gradually occurred due to our ambitions and ideals. The change lies in that we are now actively and openly inviting partners to join us in our hackathons and specialized networks, instead of waiting to be invited ourselves.

Having partners to hackathons is good as they bring along datasets. Also, the data is diversified and improved.  On the whole, this adds to the professionalization and output of hackathons. Partners can combine our platform with a particular objective. Such an objective could be anything ranging from pitching a dataset, or organizing a workshop, to handing out a prize for the best app in a certain competition. Important thing is that partnerships are well suited with what hackathons are for:

– Creating a public space to connect the open data community, specialists and networks;
– Experimenting with new data and technologies;
– Widespread exposure of new apps and data.

Specialized Networks
It is also possible to become a partner to a specialized network, such as Open Cultuur Data, Open Zorg Data or Open Onderwijs Data. Read more about these networks and upcoming workshops here. Partners enhance the expertise and capability of specialized open data networks. By meeting up regularly, these networks build new infrastructures for promising apps. Thanks to all this, a steady flow of new datasets is created.

The first hackathon of 2012 will take place in Amsterdam in May. Of course, the specialized networks will also be organizing workshops here. More concrete information on the hackathon will shortly follow.  Shoot us an e-mail at contact@openstate.eu or call +31(0)20-716-3963 if you want to get involved.

The third, and final, blog post “Change III of III: Hack de Overheid and the Open State Foundation” of this series will explain what the Open State Foundation is and why we are part of it.

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Laatste berichten van Natasja (toon alles)

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