Hack de Overheid!


Change I of III: Hack de Overheid and App Competitions

Changes at Hack de Overheid, that’s right! These have been in the making for a while now and are occurring as a logical consequence of what our organization wants to achieve. This first of three blogs will explain to you what these changes mean for our ideas about app competitions.

App competitions like Apps for Amsterdam, Apps for North-Holland and Apps voor Nederland have broadened the open data landscape for the Netherlands. Hack de Overheid is proud of these competitions. We have learned a lot over the past year by organizing them and that is where the change comes in.

App competitions have brought many apps, which bring with them valuable results. Going forward, any future app competition in the Netherlands will need a solid set of conditions when it comes to commitment and innovation. Furthermore, these conditions should not be set by government but by the community itself. This is why Hack de Overheid is developing a new model for managing app competition related to civic innovation. We are going to publish our thoughts as they materialize, but if you want to know more you can get in touch.

From this year onwards, Hack de Overheid will focus sharply on hackathons and specialized data networks: Open Cultural Data, Open Aid Data, Open Education Data, Open Health Data and Open Spending. Our strengths lie in organizing and facilitating hackathons and nourishing the networks that come from them. These networks are necessary to scale releasing more data and creating more sustainable apps.

Hack de Overheid is growing and changing for the better. More about what this means for the hackathons and specialized networks in next week’s blog post: “Change II of III: Hack de Overheid as a Platform.”

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Laatste berichten van Natasja (toon alles)

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