Monthly Archives: juni 2016
Specialized Open Data Networks
Open data networks open up data concerned with a certain topic in which that network is specialized. Numerous meetings are held throughout the year for which our hackathons are also a platform.
Change II of III: Hack de Overheid as a Platform
What does it mean that Hack de Overheid is a platform? It’s a change that has gradually occurred due to our ambitions and ideals. The change lies in that we are now actively and openly inviting partners to join us in our hackathons and specialized networks, instead of waiting to be invited ourselves. Hackathons Having […]
Praat mee op onze group
We hebben nu ook een Google Group waar je je kunt aanmelden en kunt mee-discussiëren over alles wat met open data en democratie te maken heeft.
Change I of III: Hack de Overheid and App Competitions
Changes at Hack de Overheid, that’s right! These have been in the making for a while now and are occurring as a logical consequence